PT-Small Group workout - "Vahva keho" ("strong body") is a specialized training program designed for small groups of 4-6 participants, focusing on strength building and overall fitness. This six-week program offers a unique blend of group dynamics and personalized coaching to help you achieve your fitness goals.

  What is PT-Small Group workout?  
Welcome to the "vahva keho" small group workout program, starting in Fall 2024! This program allows you to train once a week under the guidance of a professional trainer in a supportive small group setting. Here’s what you can expect from the program:
Six Guided Sessions: Participate in six group training sessions, led by a certified trainer, tailored to boost your strength and fitness.
Group and Trainer Support: Benefit from the encouragement and assistance of both your peers and your trainer throughout the program.
Personalized Coaching: Receive individualized advice and support to enhance your training experience and effectiveness.
Self-Training Guidance: Get detailed instructions and confidence for independent workouts outside of the group sessions.
Training Journal: Use a workout journal to track your progress, including series weights and overall development.
Weekly Plans: Follow a weekly plan designed to support your activity levels, energy, well-being, and daily stamina.

  Program Details  
The "Strong Body" program is suitable for both beginners and experienced exercisers seeking improved daily energy and motivation for training. Regular meetings with a trainer and fellow participants will help establish a routine, maintain motivation, and integrate an active lifestyle into your daily life.

  How to Join  
You can sign up individually or with a group of friends at your gym’s reception during its opening hours or by using the registration form from our website here.